NAFA 2014 Region 5 MVP 
Texas Jack Liberty Belle (Liberty)
CRN: 071064
Breed of Dog: Jack/Parson Russell Terrier
Dog's Club Affiliaton: DogzRule!
Owner of the Dog: Danielle Prince
Nomination by Lauren Noland:
I think most of you might know Miss Liberty-Belle. After all she's been
seen on TV commercials and in magazine ads..currently being the cutest
model for Neiman Marcus' Cusp Magazine.
But the reason "We" love this prissy little Jack is when it comes to
flyball she is all business. You wind her up with a little cheese, put
her on the 15 foot line, and let her rip. She will run any position,
with any handler, and literally never comes back without her ball. She
has patiently taught many dogs and handlers the art of a nose to nose
She will fearlessly pass into new dogs over and over until they are
confident enough to pass the larger dogs. And she makes a new handler
feel the thrill of achieving their first "check" pass. What a special
girl she is! From prissy actress to determined Tom·boy she does her job.
Liberty has earned her Onyx and is a valuable asset to Dogz Rule! and
all of region 5. She deserves MVP. Please vote for Miss Cuteness...Texas
Jack Liberty-Belle.
Photo by Ambient Photography.